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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Junk it!

So I was writing a chapter that, when I had started it, felt like a good idea. It filled in some information, introduced a new POV character that I intend to carry on to the next book and did some world building in the process.

And then, about 1,000 words into it, I hit a wall and realized that the chapter wasn't contributing to the story as much as I expected it would and was in fact breaking up the pacing of the story. So I did what I always do, threw it into my "Snippets" folders and started a new chapter.

I have over 6,000 words in my Snippet folder. Some of it may be salvageable, but for the most part there's nothing for me to do with those words.

It seems strange on one hand that I can put so much effort into a chapter and then throw it in the bin. Oh well, back to work!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe your snippets will come in handy another time. Hope you're enjoying it.
    Wishing you every success.
