I guess I should put a post here: earlier this year, I migrated to wordpress.
You can find my up to date blog at www.gunpowderfantasy.com
A blog for Author Joshua Johnson. Chapter excerpts and other thoughts. Follow me on twitter @authorjkjohnson
I guess I should put a post here: earlier this year, I migrated to wordpress.
You can find my up to date blog at www.gunpowderfantasy.com
Last night I clawed my way over the 80,000 word mark for The Cerberus Rebellion.
Before the weekend, as I was walkung into my night job, I had a flash of inspiration and used Evernote to plot out the last 8 chapters.
Well, one of those chapters turned into 3 chapters but if the last 8 end up between 2-3k words I'll end up just above 105k.
It's a little higher than I wanted to end up but I figure with rewrites and edits I'll cut a few thousand words out.
I'm still hoping to make my self-imposed deadline at the end of April but if I'm over by a week it won't hurt
I'm still looking for Beta Readers and expect to be through my own first draft editing by the end of May and would like to get it to an editor by the middle of June.
If you're interested, please post a comment.
As I approach the halfway point in writing the first draft of "Griffins and Gunpowder: The Cerberus Rebellion" I have been thinking about ways to provide backstory without infodumping in the middle of a chapter
I think that one way to do this is to write some of this backstory and information not crucial to the plot (yet still useful) in the form of short stories, novellas and novelettes.
I'm hoping that this will serve both as extra information for those that are interested and as a way to introduce readers to my world and maybe convince them to buy my larger works.
To this end I have roughly plotted out the first 3 Short Stories, a Novella and a Novelette for my world.
Through these stories I intend to provide some context to the catalyst for my series arc, some back story for one of my secondary characters and for one of my main characters.
So how have you countered the problem of infodumping? Have you gradually worked it into the main story, used short stories to tell some of the background information or have you found another way to provide background without overloading the reader?
Leave a comment below and let me know your methods.
...it pours.
After fretting so much about the title of first Gunpowder Fantasy novel - how much of the plot to give away with the name, how to tie it to the relevant part of the story, etc - I finally decided on "The Cerberus Rebellion".
It makes it clear what the book is going to focus on without giving away too much.
Soon after, the titles for the subsequent parts of the series and even a strong candidate for Series Name have emerged.
My current leader for series name is Griffins and Gunpowder:(Insert Book Name Here)
And for book names I'm looking at using the sigil of each house as the focal point for the book and having that house do a lot of the work.
The only thing that has to be settled is the sigil of a major house. I was going to have their sigil be a great-eagle but I couldn't find a solid phrase that would work for a title.
So now I'm leaning towards tiger or great-boar.
The problem also arises that if I can't get everything done in my planned stretch I'm going to run out of houses to focus on and will have to break my convention. But I suppose that I'll build that bridge if it cones to it.